Sworn & Authorized Indonesian - English Translation Service

100% on-time guarantee, accurate results, and reasonable pricing

We help to make your work easier

  • 100% FREE TRIAL

    Still unsure about the quality of our services? Start your free trial by contacting our team

  • 1.000.000 words have been translated

    Having translated millions of words and serving hundreds of clients, our translation team understands your needs better

  • Sworn & Certified Translators

    Your document is translated by sworn and non-sworn translators from internal (in-house) and external (freelancer) teams.To maintain the quality of our service, we ensure that our non-sworn translators come from the Indonesian Translators Association and are certified by an official Language Institute.

  • Express Translation Service

    Are you in a tight deadline? Don't worry! Our translator can complete the work according to the deadline you set

  • Native Indonesian Translators

    If you’re looking for English to Indonesian translation service and vice versa, Kolektif Kata is your answer. Our team consists of native English to Indonesian translators who have in-depth and professional experience translating documents into and from Indonesian.

Kata telah diterjemahkan

The translation was professional. The project flow was clear, and the customer service was also friendly. When I asked them to translate my files in a day, they met the deadline. 

– Dr. Ladiyani, Head of Soil Research Institute


I ordered the translation service for a manual book for project needs. Kolektif Kata could translate them according to the context so that my workers could easily understand the information given.

Very impressive, more than I expected

– Bagus, Director of PT. Dharma Tiga Dara Sentosa


Our product knowledge was professionally translated. For a small business entrepreneur like us, the pricing was acceptable. 

– Ramira, Founder Atamirashi

Not only Indonesian to English Translation

We are ready to help you translate for 10+ International Language Pairs

Leave the translation work to us, so you can focus on another work

Sworn Translation Service

Non Sworn Translation Service

Other Services

CV. Kolektif Kata

4w Office Ring Road Taman Yasmin Street No.A4, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

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